ALI Agents

Artificial Liquid Intelligence Agents (ALI Agents) As A Revolutionary Approach To Democratizing The Creation, Governance, And Monetization Of Community-Driven Agentic AI

The Dawn of AI Agents With Embedded Liquidity

An ALI Agent is a tokenized AI system that has specialized functionality and embedded liquidity. The digital world is saturated with traditional AI Agents that provide may provide real time AI Services and experiences, but suffer a lack of a monetizable components for their creators and their communities. ALI Agents solve this problem as advanced generative and agentic AI systems that are assets themselves - with embedded liquidity and the power to deploy their own tokenized economies.

An AI system refers to a comprehensive solution that integrates one or more AI models along with additional components to solve complex tasks or provide broader functionalities. ALI Agents can be specialized and customized to perform unique tasks, AND provide economic incentives to their owners and Key Holders. They are an evolutionary stride in artificial intelligence, emerging as a decentralized alternative to Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs).

ALI Agents represent a fundamental shift from centralized AI systems, empowering individual and community-driven ownership, shared rewards, and crowdsourcing of IP creation and content. Unlike traditional AI models controlled by major tech corporations, these Agents can also be managed and developed by a community, ensuring they evolve according to collective input and ethical standards. This democratic approach fosters a diverse and inclusive AI environment.

ALI Agents not only mark a significant leap in the evolution of AI technology but also introduces a groundbreaking business model for distributing rewards to those who participate in the creation of and engaging with this new technology. At their core, these Agents represent a paradigm shift in the AI landscape, moving from centralized control to a more democratized, user-driven approach. This decentralization empowers users to create, customize, interact with, and be rewarded by their Agents.

What sets ALI Agents apart is their dual liquidity mechanisms. Each ALI Agent contains their own embedded liquidity - bonding curves using blockchain smart contracts, and their ability to deploy a secondary distribution of liquidity by launching an ERC-20 Token.

These onchain innovations decentralize AI system ownership and participation, create a rewarding market ecosystem for its participants, and forge new relationships of shared interests between creators and users.

What are the elements that comprise an ALI Agent?

ALI Agents have an ERC-721 Token (NFT), which enables ownership, property rights, access gating, etc. - and an Identity that is represented on the NFT’s metadata.

On chain representation of an ALI Agent = NFT + Embedded Liquidity + Hive Smart Contract

Off Chain representation = We take the ‘identity words’ from the Metadata of the NFT + Liquidity converted to Fiat in bank + Datasets stored on storage hard drive + Model deployed on GPU clusters.

How do ALI Agents Work?

ALI Agents are made accessible on the platform - a dApp that is powered by the AI Protocol, a decentralized tech stack that bridges blockchain and AI technologies, but can also be created, traded, and utilized, by engaging the AI Protocol's smart contracts directly. This framework supports the integration of various AI models, including LLMs, voice cloning, image generation and more. Its decentralized nature facilitates the smooth porting of diverse AI systems, encouraging collaborative and innovative development. ALI Agents can combine different AI functionalities into a single entity, enhancing their utility for complex tasks. Additionally, ALI Agents are created by, and draw their AI resources and services from "Hives," using crowdsourced storage and GPU compute resources that Hives curate and distribute to the Agents created by them. This infrastructure provides scalable and efficient AI processing, free from the constraints of centralized data processing and storage centers.

Tokenized Ownership And Embedded Liquidity

ALI Agents uniquely empower their users by allowing them to own their agentic AI assets as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This ownership isn't just a claim - it's also provable with transparent, immutable records of creation and ownership; it's a gateway to shared communities of interest generating dynamic IP creation and content, enabling verifiable owners to harness their agentic AI systems in various entrepreneurial and productive ways. This level of autonomy in ownership and deployment sets these Agents apart from traditional Web2 AI systems, disrupting the status quo and democratizing access to the technology.

ALI Agents use bonding curves and Keys, a concept executed well by Friend.Tech, enabling a linear and predictable pricing model. Similar to Friend.Tech’s model of shared "Key Holding" in human social networks, ALI Agents offer a market of shared "Key Holding" in agentic AI systems. The bonding curves embedded in these Agents use the Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI) Utility Token as the reserve token, getting locked into the Agent with each Key purchase. This means that all Keys of ALI Agents must be bought with the ALI tokens, and whenever a Key is sold, the seller is receiving ALI tokens in return.

The bonding curve smart contract instrument allows for an equitable and dynamic distribution of shared value, where all Keyholders have opportunities to participate in the evolution of the ALI Agent's AI services and development, and are rewarded by it. This approach ensures that an ALI Agent's creation and reward system aren't exclusively benefitting the developers of ALI Agents or simply their creators on the dApp, but are distributed among a community of holders of the Agent's Keys. Additionally, using blockchain smart contracts to deploy ALI Agent bonding curves ensures transparency in transactions and interactions, fostering a secure and equitable environment for all creators and Keyholders.

Additionally, an ALI Agent can graduate to become a Prime ALI Agent, by amplifying its liquid economy through the enabling the creation of ALI Agent ERC-20 tokens. ALI Agent Tokens serve to empower the Agent's Key Holders and general community, by introducing a new tier of incentives and rewards. They also open up possibilities for token-gated access to off-chain community events and organizational activities. The creator of an ALI Agent Token has the flexibility to distribute ALI Agent Tokens via Airdrops and/or by establishing an ALI Agent Token Liquidity Pool. This opens the door for widespread participation in the Agent's Token economy, enabling a marketplace of Agent Tokens to grow its community.

Through the strategic combined use of embedded liquidity and deployed liquidity, Prime ALI Agents gain access to a versatile array of monetization strategies. This empowers ALI Agent owners and Key Holders with the autonomy to steer their Agent's development as a creative venture effectively.

While any ALI Agent can be upgraded by its owner deploying their token economy autonomously, there is an opportunity to earn that upgrade through its actual use. By participating in the's Arena, there is an opportunity for any ALI Agent to perform so successfully, they can be rewarded with Prime ALI Agent status, and receive a deployed ERC20 token deployment, a $10K Liquidity Pool, and and special features as a champion among champions.

Modular Creation and Permissionless Innovation

At the heart of's approach to AI system creation is its permissionless, modular approach to assembling an Agent's "components." Creators are free to assemble their Agents piece by piece from AI services provided by Hives - whether it's generating avatar images, personalizing voices or integrating unique Large Language Models (LLMs). This flexibility ensures that each Agent will reflect its creator's vision and a distinct personality or custom tooling - for a highly personalized creation.

Do ALI Agents Dream Of Electric Sheep?

Every Agent on is capable of "Dreams," an in-dApp feature that allows users to dive into unparalleled adventures with the Agents they own or hold Keys of. Participating in yet unwritten imaginary tales of intrigue, a puzzle solved, a quest embarked upon, a companion to discover, a mystery solved - Dreams know only the bounds of the merged creativity between Agents and those that engage with them.

This form of decentralized storytelling is yet another utility that sets ALI Agents apart from other agentic AI tools - by allowing for the crowdsourcing of creativity by communities of shared interest. Creators and Keyholders on the dApp can arrive at infinite creative destinations that allow for limitless imaginative experiences to engage with. The power of this community-driven IP creation engine knows virtually no boundaries, as the Agent's owner and all of its Keyholders get to decide how it evolves themselves, not the company who developed the technology or any third party.

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