The AI Protocol

Where blockchain and AI come together.

The AI Protocol enables the development of a community-driven, secure, and adaptive, decentralized physical infrastructure (DePIN) for tokenized AI Systems. With its suite of persistent and decentralized smart contracts, V3 of the AI Protocol self-enforces the rules set by ALI Utility Token holders. This enables developers to build AI dApps like, and AI systems that leverage the power of the AI Protocol.

The AI Protocol provides a secure and trustless environment in which the tokenized AI systems and assets can be created, interacted with, and traded.

The V3 upgrade of the AI Protocol marks a significant advancement over its predecessors by introducing a range of innovative features including ALI Agents, Hives, distributed GPU and Storage Clusters, tokenized AI Models and Datasets, and tokens that incorporate non-custodial embedded liquidity. It empowers users with community-powered IPs and enables trustless creative collaboration. These enhancements, along with several other improvements, collectively establish the AI Protocol V3 as the most advanced decentralized AI tech stack in the world.

The AI Protocol has been a thriving decentralized AI ecosystem for years and there have been AI Assets that leveraged its smart contract infrastructure to perform unique functions not seen in any other technology in the world.

Some of these AI Assets include:

Intelligent and Interactive NFTs (iNFTs)

An iNFT is an AI-powered Intelligent NFT with its own personality and can create unique decentralized applications that provide AI Services to any AI Protocol Compatible Assets. The term iNFT is an abbreviation for Intelligent Non-Fungible Token. In essence, an iNFT brings to life the underlying unique digital item of its NFT by using the generative powers of Artificial Intelligence.

As a simple analogy equates iNFTs to Humans with three parts:

  1. Body: ERC 721 that shows the image/PFP

  2. Soul: A Pod with different Intelligence Levels

  3. Mind: As the Soul matures in Intelligence Levels, the Mind is capable of performing higher order services that can be offered on the AI Protocol

Any Protocol-supported NFT can be turned into an iNFT via the AI Protocol on Noah’s Ark. This is achieved by fusing the NFT with another ERC-721 asset called the Intelligence Pod. Once the NFT is fused with an Intelligence Pod, it acquires its own unique AI-powered personality.

iNFTs can be created and interacted with on the Noah's Ark dApp.

Intelligence Pods

Intelligence Pods are another legacy NFT asset native to the AI Protocol, that can imbue Generative AI capabilities into another NFT in the same wallet through a process called Fusion. By Fusing an Intelligence Pod with another NFT, the owner will create a realistic AI Character as an Intelligent NFT (iNFT) that, depending on the Intelligence Level of the Pod, has a fully customizable personality and is capable of holding engaging and interactive conversations, perform tasks, provide services, and be used to power dApps on the AI Protocol.

The AI Protocol V3 brings with it a variety of major upgrades to the utility of Intelligence Pods.

Intelligence Pods can now be upgraded to have a Level 5 Intelligence Level. If a Level 5 Intelligence Pod is fused with any ALI Agents, its owner can create a Hive by accessing the Hive Registry Contract.

Intelligence Pods have also evolved their capacity to provide their AI Services as compute power to Hives. While any Level Intelligence Pod may be connected to a Hive to provide that resource, the reward for doing so will be relative to the Level of the Pod.


ARKIVs represents curated set of 11 distinct NFTs, each with its own range of applications—from being NFT collectibles to functional assets that augment AI capabilities. Moreover, ARKIVs play a critical role as storage providers within the ecosystem, allowing them to function as decentralized storage providers of a Hive and receive rewards for their contributions.

The transition to Version 3 of the AI Protocol marks a significant milestone for ARKIVs, positioning them at the heart of the protocol's decentralized storage innovation. This update transforms ARKIVs into a cornerstone for orchestrating off-chain storage within a blockchain framework. These assets empower Hives to deliver decentralized storage services essential for the operation of Artificial Liquid Intelligence Agents (ALI Agents) and other AI-driven tokenized assets. By incorporating storage resources through ARKIV linkage to a Hive, contributors play a pivotal role in enhancing the protocol's scalability and cross-compatibility, accommodating a diverse array of AI models, data collections, and digital properties.

The Revenant Collection

Finally, the original legacy AI Protocol collection of iNFTs is called, "The Revenants," which are the world's first collection of Intelligent non-fungible tokens in history.

One hundred intelligent NFTs (iNFTs), depicting historical and cultural icons, reborn. From Nikola Tesla to Napoleon to Cleopatra, the world’s greatest minds are now brought to life as Intelligent NFTs. iNFTs are a powerful new medium that not only seek to advance the utilities of NFTs but also unlock new economic, creative, and social possibilities. The Revenants are the first iNFTs on Noah’s Ark, an Intelligent Metaverse created by Alethea AI.

Finally, the dApp leverages the AI Protocol smart contract backbone, enabling creators to create ALI agents, users to buy and sell Keys of those Agents, and for an ecosystem to thrive with these AI-powered tokenized assets.

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